This is just the "bookmarking" blog where I will post only links and perhaps abstracts I've come across that are of interest to me and may someday be discussed in a blog post.

See something you're interested in discussing? Shoot me an email!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Glucagon-like peptide-1 prevents beta cell glucolipotoxicity

Glucagon-like peptide-1 prevents beta cell glucolipotoxicity

Mechanism of insulin-stimulated clearance of plasma nonesterified fatty acids in humans

Mechanism of insulin-stimulated clearance of plasma nonesterified fatty acids in humans

Relationship between Total and High Molecular Weight Adiponectin Levels and Plasma Nonesterified Fatty Acid Tolerance during Enhanced Intravascular Triacylglycerol Lipolysis in Men

Relationship between Total and High Molecular Weight Adiponectin Levels and Plasma Nonesterified Fatty Acid Tolerance during Enhanced Intravascular Triacylglycerol Lipolysis in Men

On the suppression of plasma nonesterified fatty acids by insulin during enhanced intravascular lipolysis in humans

On the suppression of plasma nonesterified fatty acids by insulin during enhanced intravascular lipolysis in humans

Increased Postprandial Nonesterified Fatty Acid Appearance and Oxidation in Type 2 Diabetes Is Not Fully Established in Offspring of Diabetic Subjects

Increased Postprandial Nonesterified Fatty Acid Appearance and Oxidation in Type 2 Diabetes Is Not Fully Established in Offspring of Diabetic Subjects

Fatty Acid Signaling in the β-Cell and Insulin Secretion

Fatty Acid Signaling in the β-Cell and Insulin Secretion

Life and death decisions of the pancreatic b-cell: the role of fatty acids

Life and death decisions of the pancreatic b-cell: the role of fatty acids

Saturated, but not unsaturated, fatty acids induce apoptosis of human coronary artery endothelial cells via nuclear factor-kappaB activation

Saturated, but not unsaturated, fatty acids induce apoptosis of human coronary artery endothelial cells via nuclear factor-kappaB activation

B cell Adaptation and Decompensation during the Progression of Diabetes

B cell Adaptation and Decompensation during the Progression of Diabetes